Looking For Hormone Replacement & Therapy in Bellevue WA?

Are you looking for Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Bellevue WA? If you're an aging man, chances are you've lost quite a bit of energy, experienced a drop in sexual potency or erectile dysfunction, put on a few extra pounds, and now you have to work even harder in the gym to maintain your natural weight. There's a reason for that and for most men it starts with a 'T'. We're talking about the male hormone Testosterone.
Low-cost testosterone replacement options in Bellevue WA
By the time you hit 30, your body is already significantly behind in testosterone production. You see, by your mid-twenties, your testosterone levels begin to decline by about 1-2% a year. And, by 40, you've lost nearly half of your necessary growth hormones resulting in a common but often misunderstood condition called Andropause, Low T, or Hypogonadism; precisely what we treat with various Testosterone Replacement Therapy options.
Men often mistake symptoms of andropause for a midlife crisis. You've put on weight; your sexual desire has decreased and even worse, your sexual performance is suffering. To make yourself feel better, you may want to buy a flashy sports car, but in reality, the most likely solution to your problem is Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
Your testosterone levels have dropped resulting in increased body fat, depression, muscle loss, hair loss, and fatigue. These are not just symptoms of "getting older". In fact, men as young as their twenties to thirties can experience low testosterone (Low T) symptoms. Before you seek medical treatment for depression and spend years on prescription medications, consider having your testosterone levels checked at Chiro 1st - Bellevue.
Low testosterone is a serious condition that should not be ignored. In addition to the unpleasant symptoms we mentioned above, lower-than-normal testosterone levels have been clinically associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and death.
Testosterone replacement therapy aids in circulation and improves blood vessel function, so it's important to have enough of it to ensure healthy blood flow. There are a number of testosterone receptors in the heart, so a healthy testosterone level helps it function properly.
The additional testosterone that results from hormone replacement therapy also reduces the amount of certain unhealthy chemicals in the blood, including cholesterol, and improves a patient's lipid profile, a beneficial cardiovascular effect.
Finally, the weight loss and improved physique that many men experience with hormone replacement therapy help to reduce the risk of heart disease and restore heart health.
Do You Have Low Testosterone?
A simple blood test may determine whether or not you would be a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy.
Chiro 1st - Bellevue doctor prescribed Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Weight Loss protocols provide cutting-edge preventative and regenerative medicine which will correct hormonal deficiencies to revitalize the body and ward off disease. We offer the most proven hormone treatment plans (HRT) medically tailored to each patient while, at the same time, offering the absolute best physician prices and services available.
Hormone Replacement for Women
Are you suffering from symptoms of menopause, perimenopause, and PMS including; hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, reduced sex drive, and low energy?
These conditions can easily be treated with natural bio-identical hormone therapy!
Many doctors say this is just part of "getting old"
Stop suffering and call Chiro 1st - Bellevue to make a complimentary consultation.
9:30am - 6:30pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
9:30am - 6:30pm
9:30am - 6:30pm
9:30am - 1:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Chiro 1st - Bellevue
10655 NE 4th St Suite 101
Bellevue, WA 98004